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Can You Prevent Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, as well as the most common chronic joint condition, in adults across the United States. OA often affects joints like the fingers, ankles, and knees, causing pain and deterioration over time.

Risk factors for OA include elements you can’t control, like genetics, gender, and age. However, preventive care can effectively reduce your risk of developing OA. You can also take steps to slow down the progression of OA, sparing your joints and managing your symptoms of joint pain and stiffness.

With the right treatment, you can stave off OA for years to come. Turn to the physical and alternative medicine experts, led by Dr. William Renner at BCS Medical for our recommendations to prevent OA from worsening. We treat new and existing patients from our convenient location in Bryan, Texas.

Risk factors you can’t control

Some genes increase your likelihood of eventually struggling with OA. If other people in your family deal with joint degeneration, take extra care now to protect your joints.

Both men and women are more likely to be affected by OA later in life. Your joints experience wear-and-tear over time, grinding them down, and your cartilage cells don’t regrow like they used to after a certain point in time.

Post-menopausal women have a higher risk of OA due to hormonal changes. After post-menopausal decreases in estrogen production, your system stops being able to fully support new bone growth. This results in increasing bone weakness.

Preventive steps to take

Exercise promotes joint health in multiple ways. Moderate to intense exercise for 30 minutes five times a week increases your muscle strength, supporting your joints from the outside. Regular exercise also benefits your joint motion, keeping things moving smoothly.

Your diet makes a real difference in the fight against OA. In addition to maintaining a healthy body weight, you need to be on the lookout for regular high blood sugar. Heightened blood glucose levels and diabetes can stiffen and sensitize your cartilage and cause systemic inflammation.

Excess weight increases wear-and-tear on your joints, especially the lower joints in your body like your knees and hips. Each pound of weight you lose significantly decreases the load on your joints, protecting your cartilage from damage and deterioration.

Other aspects of a healthy lifestyle also impact your risk of OA. To reduce your chances of arthritis, you shouldn’t smoke or drink to excess. And, keep your levels of muscle tension and systemic inflammation down by practicing better stress management.

Professional support and osteoarthritis prevention

Take control of your OA risks by consulting with the team at BCS Medical about changes you can start to make today. Your best defense against OA is a healthy lifestyle enriched by plenty of exercise. 

When you maintain a healthy weight, get plenty of vitamins and nutrients from dietary sources, and support your joints with strong muscles, you can delay the onset and progression of OA.

Learn more about reducing your risk of OA with holistic and integrative BCS Medical today. Schedule your appointment online, or call now to book.

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